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Scholarships Available for Youth To Attend Italian Language CampFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact: Elissa Ruffino (NIAF) 202/939-3106 or elissa@niaf.org
LA DOLCE VITA THIS SUMMER *Scholarships Available for Youth to Attend Italian Language Camp*
(WASHINGTON, DC— January 16, 2009) The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) has awarded $70,000 to Lago del Bosco, the only Italian language and culture immersion camp in the United States. The NIAF awards, raised during the Foundation’s 33rd Anniversary Gala in October, will support individual scholarships, curriculum writing and staff travel stipends for the Italian Language Village near Fosston, Minn. Deadline for scholarship applications: February 28, 2009.
“The Foundation’s awards continue to give youngsters an opportunity to learn Italian and understand how Italian culture has influenced many aspects of their everyday lives,” NIAF President Salvatore J. Zizza said.
Launched in July 2003, Lago del Bosco is part of Concordia Language Villages. The residential summer camp helps young people ages 7-14 learn about all aspects of Italian life, history and culture.
Participants, called “villagers,” study Italian language and culture in a relaxed environment where they learn by “living the language.” Villagers participate in authentic cultural activities, cook Italian food, play bocce ball and roverino, make masks, and learn about Italian music and folk tales – all in Italian. The camp is appropriate for participants with any level of Italian language proficiency, including beginners with no prior knowledge.
In addition to the one- and two-week sessions, the Minnesota site offers a high school credit program in which villagers can earn one year of high school credit after a four-week session. Villagers increase cultural understanding as they learn about countries where Italian is spoken and the global issues affecting these areas. Since 1961 Concordia Language Villages has offered summer language immersion camps for young people ages 7-18. Today, more than 11,000 youth, families and adults from all 50 states and 32 countries attend programs in 15 languages annually.
To apply online, go to www.lagodelbosco.com. For registration materials, employment opportunities, or learn more about Lago del Bosco, visit www.ConcordiaLanguageVillages.org or call 1-800-222-4750.
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., and dedicated to preserving the heritage of Italian Americans. Visit www.niaf.org.