Official NIAF Statement: Comments Made by Senator Cruz to Stereotype Italian Americans


Contact: Elissa Ruffino, 202-939-3106,


“Earlier this week, U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz used inflammatory, anti-Italian American stereotyping in an interview with radio host Glenn Beck.

“Donald [Trump] needs to understand that he’s not Michael Corleone. I understand that Donald has had some very shady business deals with people that are currently in prison—mobsters. But the presidency should not be like ‘Cosa Nostra’,” Cruz said Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

“The National Italian American Foundation condemns this type of rhetoric and the stereotyping of Italian Americans.

“Our community has succeeded and integrated, despite discrimination and persistent and unfair representations. NIAF is a bipartisan foundation and asks candidates of all political persuasions to not use language that reduces the 25 million person strong, vibrant Italian American community — a community that has made invaluable contributions to the growth of our nation—to a single negative portrayal.”


Washington, D.C.

April 15, 2016

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., and dedicated to preserving the heritage of Italian Americans.  Visit