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The NIAF Launches Planned Giving Service


Contact: Elissa Ruffino (NIAF)  202/939-3106202/939-3106 or202/939-3106

The NIAF Launches Planned Giving Service
** Preserve Your Heritage Through Estate Planning**

(WASHINGTON, DC – July 25, 2001) The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is introducing a new planned giving program, “Preserving Your Heritage Through Planned Giving,” to all of its supporters and new members across the country. In addition to accepting donations of cash and appreciated assets, the NIAF program offers a full range of planned giving options in the form of Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts. “Planned giving” vehicles offer both immediate and long-term benefits to the donors including increased current income, savings in income tax, capital gains and estate taxes.

“Under the tax laws, we are encouraged to be good community-spirited citizens. That spirit of giving is rewarded with tax deductions offered to everyone who is charitably minded,” said NIAF Chairman Frank J. Guarini.

“You may designate your outright or planned gift to a number of important programs at the NIAF including youth initiatives, cultural activities, international affairs and anti-defamation, as well as help the Foundation undertake new directions that will enhance its mission,” said NIAF President Joseph R. Cerrell.

If you are interested in learning more about the NIAF planned giving program, contact Michael Sanzi, NIAF director of fund development, at 1-800-989-NIAF1-800-989-NIAF 1-800-989-NIAF (6423) or by e-mail at